Henshaw’s House Of Cocoa WordPress eCommerce website design and build.
Henshaw’s House Of Cocoa were already running a successful Artisan Chocolatier business via Facebook when they came to me for a responsive WordPress eCommerce website. As well as selling via Social Media they have a well-known presence at many local Artisan Markets in and around Cheshire.
What a fabulous project to work on! Made me want to eat chocolate for breakfast, dinner and tea. Nom. Nom.
Nicola, who runs Henshaw’s was a little nervous about taking the business online with WordPress and I hope now that the site has launched I helped to silence those nerves a little - and I will continue to offer my support now the site is live.
eCommerce can be scary and it’s so hard to know where to start and even when to start. There are so many options out there each with their own pros and cons - Wix, SquareSapce, Shopify, GoDaddy and more (one day I’ll write a nice blog about my views on each of these, but for now all you need to know is that there is really only one contender - WordPress. It can also be an expensive investment too with fears that it will be as waste of money, but it doesn’t have to be expensive! This website was more than affordable for any small business or startup looking to venture into the world of eCommerce.
The online shop is made up of simple products making administrative population very easy and browsing/buying, from a visitor point of view, easy too. WooCommerce ensures the online buying process is intuitive for customers, meaning purchases can be made quickly through the use of basic browsing, adding to cart and checking out via PayPal. Simples.
Chloe Q Studio created the branding - I can’t take credit for that although I wish I could as it’s fab and formed the basis for the web design itself.
Do you think you can’t afford an eCommerce website?
Get in touch - you never know! If you already have a great Social Media presence you may be selling your goods successfully (which is great!) but I bet the management of all those orders and who has paid for what is driving you mad. Also, do you know how many customers you may be missing out on because they don’t trust you? Many shoppers will research your business before committing to buy - especially if local trading is not possible - no website, no trust.